Peddells Ferries Depart Engineers Jetty on Thursday Island for Seisia Jetty on Cape York
Thursday Island has a variety of accommodation. Reservations are essential.
The Grand Hotel
Thursday Island Motel
Jardine Motel
Island Villas
Island Stars Cafe – Local indigenous family owned Coffee Shop, Gallery and offering cultural performances. Best known for: Crayfish Toastie
Rosie Ware Design – hilltop studio of local award winning textile designer
Mai Kai Cafe – foreshore bakery and coffee shop. Best known for: coffee on the beach
Frankies Cafe – cafe in main street with pizza shop. Best known for: Crayfish Pizza
Bobby’s Snack Bar – best known for Fish n Chips. Best know for: Battered Fish
Gab Titui Cultural Centre – located a few steps from the jetty art gallery, visiting exhibits and gift store
Green Hill Fort – scenic look out and historic fort. Best known for: the Sunset and ANZAC Dawn Service
Memorials around the island include – Japanese Pearlers Memorial, Torres Strait Flag Designers Memorials, Quetta Memorial Church, Coming of the Light Memorial, ANZAC Park Memorial, Luis Vaaz de Torres Memorial and much more…
Supermarket, Pharmacy, Bank, Post Office, Public Swimming pool, Various Sporting facilities, Hardware, Retail outlets. Plus Hospital, Dentist, Physio, Schools, Churches, Radio Station, Town Hall, Markets, B
Thursday Island’s Airport is located on the more sparsely populated Ngurupai (Horn Island) having the space for an airfield. Local indigenous operator the Loban Family offer a water taxi service and airport bus service, Kawiwalagal, connecting Thursday Island to Horn Island. Kaiwalagal Bookings 0473154188 Email
By Air: QantasLink Ph. 131313 Skytrans 1300 759 872 (please note the airport is located on Horn Island)
By Boat from Seisia at Cape York: Peddells Ferry Service from Seisia 0740691551 (ticket online)
By Car: There are a number of tour companies providing a range of options to access the pristine Cape York Wilderness, the pathway to Thursday Island in Torres Strait. From tag-a-long style road trips to all inclusive camping and/or accommodated options. If you prefer to be independent, then be sure to check road conditions before you depart by contacting RACQ.
To start you off here are a few 4WD tour operators: Australian Pacific Tours, Heritage Tours, Outback Spirit, APT, O.A.T. etc..
Peddells are here year round for our local community operating a scheduled Ferry service from Seisia to Thursday Island. If transfers are required for times outside the schedule please enquire about chartering one of our vessels. Click here for more information.